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Lanart Rug Inc is a carpet manufacturing company founded in 1992. The head office is located in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu near Montreal, Quebec. Its infrastructure has more than 200,000 square feet dedicated to the
manufacturing, processing and shipping of rugs and carpets. Lanart also owns manufacturing plants and distribution centers in British Columbia and Georgia, USA. Its strategic locations allow it to ship thousands of carpets throughout North America each week.
Modest at its beginnings; Lanart produced handmade custom rugs and assorted rugs from residential carpet remnants. Over the years, Lanart has become the reference in the field by adding to its assortment high quality rugs imported from all over the world. Thanks to the acquisition of Uz-ite in 2013, as well as the purchase of a competitor’s product line. Lanart has recently entered the mass market for utility products. The company now serves more customers including hardware stores, in addition to department stores and boutiques, expanding its distribution network.
Today, Lanart is proud to offer its customers a full range of products under two distinct brands; RUG BASICS and RUG STUDIO. Our experienced research and development team is always on the lookout for the latest trends in design and technology. The company invests annually in equipment to offer its customers a wide range of locally made products. Starting this fall, new models made from its latest acquisition will make their appearance on the market. LANART’S MISSION is to offer a range of quality products with a unique style that will simplify and beautify your everyday life. Lanart is the destination of choice for all your utilitarian and decorative carpet needs.